Automated scrap management

One of the greatest dangers of today's digitalization is the creation of solution silos by numerous microapplications. A prime example is the scrap and repair management cycle, which relies on reject tags or other marking technologies. Our goal is to automate these processes, minimizing the time workers, as a critical resource, spend on identifying and registering non-compliant materials and supplier parts.

Customer Added Value

  • Identification and creation of electronic reject tag under 30 seconds

  • Automated and tracked process

  • Automation of logistics and routines

  • SAP integration with part reservation and automated order in case of scrap

  • Automated reports towards 3rd party suppliers warranty claims

  • Notifications of the process stage and delayed resolutions


  • Unlimited number of reject tags generated

  • One click login

  • Configurable tile fault selection

  • API based integration

  • On-Prem, Cloud and Hybrid solutions available

  • Web based end user stations for HW independence