Design management and supervision of enterprice projects

A common problem in companies is rigidly following one method, which often doesn’t align with growth goals and principles. For large projects, having work and development methods is crucial. However, it’s important to consider if the company’s expectations can be met with just one method or a mix of them. Remember the common sense and practical approach. In our case with 200 project members, fixed scope, and deadline, it was beneficial to combine methods and create our own way of delivering results, independent of strict rules.

Customer Added Value

  • Merging fixed needs, deadline and agile approach

  • Clear responsibility in communication and reporting

  • Engaging modern tools for proper communication

  • Integration of production with software development principles

  • Motivation of teams where all parties involved in the project have been satisfied

  • Transparent communication of status and plan


  • Waterfall and Agile approach

  • Principles for international cooperation

  • Transparent communication

  • Communication at the level of international integration

  • Working in a group of several suppliers

  • Uploading the old platform to the new one, without service interruption